Monday, January 28, 2013

Scratchbuilt E-Wing, refit

Here are the work-in-progress pics of my scratchbuild. I started by using MSPaint to draw out a set of images to plan all the basic shapes I would need. This was helpful in making sure I had symmetrical parts later on:

I printed my drawings out to scale and then cut out the parts. Using the paper as a guide, I traced the parts on to the styrene and then cut out what I needed.

The wings are two pieces of styrene cut in the same shape. I cut the recessed part out of the top and then glued them together in order to have one wing.

The cannons were made from the base of the Finemolds X-wing cannon and the sample loop we use for measuring blood to put on the rapid HIV kits at work( yes they were unused). I simply cut the loop off the end and glued them together.

Here are some detail shots of my progress. The two guns on the top are also made from the same sample loops as the main guns.

Which leads to the finished product. The canopy was difficult, and ended up being made from three different styrene parts that I had to cut the windows into and glue together. It doesn't show in the pictures, but there are clear plastic "windows" in place.

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