Friday, January 3, 2014

First Commission Job

I've put work on my build of Serenity on hold for a while.  I recently started work on my first commission job. I've always just built for myself, so it's an interesting challenge. My client is building a fleet of 1/4222 scale ships, and has sent me two subjects in that scale to work on.  The first is the Star Wars Action Fleet Acclamator.  I have already converted this toy for my own collection, but this time I'm really going to go all out on the detailing.
This toy is very reasonably detailed for a toy and just happens to be in the right scale, but it needs a little help.  It has massive landing gear that hangs on the bottom, and the back two don't retract. Step one, remove them with the Dremel and cover with styrene.
New Styrene covers:
 I also needed to cut off the front screw hold, and cover up the front landing gear as well:
 I added two small guns to the bottom to cover up the holes for the plastic ties the help the toy to the packaging, I also sanded off the "made in China" and LFL copyright writing.
 I am adding small styrene strip over the armor panels on the top to add some detail, this is a slow task and a pain, but it looks great in the end.
 Detailed up the troop doors:
 A before and after shot of the side trenches, adding lots of detail here as well:

 More plastic bits! I'm also going to add more wire and detail to the engines.

The second kit I'm working on is the 1/4222 .jpg Drednaught. It's a small but great little kit. I didn't like the detail on the radar dishes, so I made my own.

This kit is hollow cast, which is very nice if you add lights to your kits.

 A comparison of the kit radar dishes and my new ones.
Finished build the Dreadnaught really quick, just need to get some paint on it now!

I still have a good bit of work to go, but this is shaping up to be a fun project.  More to come!